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The Olympian Symposium 2018. Gas and stars from milli- to mega- parsecs

First Announcement


The Olympian Symposium 2018

Gas and stars from milli- to mega- parsecs

May 28th - June 1st, 2018

Paralia Katerini, Mount Olympus, Greece.



The overall view of star formation and interstellar medium studies has been significantly populated with the new remarkable observational data delivered in the age of ALMA. Theoretical investigations have also advanced with unprecedented simulation tools that allow the magneto-hydrodynamical and chemical evolution of the ISM from milli- to mega- parsec scales to be examined. The aim of the conference is to bring together the theoretical, computational and observational scientific communities to address and discuss the star formation and the ISM in this new era.

Our sessions will include discussions on:

  1. the physics and chemistry of the ISM at different scales and metallicities
  2. the role of the galactic environment in the star formation process
  3. the star formation process from low- to high- mass stars
  4. the ISM in starbursts, (U)LIRGs, mergers, AGNs
  5. the formation and evolution of star clusters
  6. the role played by feedback, turbulence and magnetic fields in the evolution of the ISM
  7. the importance of cosmic rays regulating the (thermo-)dynamics and chemical composition of the ISM
  8. how line observations and chemical modelling bridge star formation across scales

The meeting will be held from Monday 28th of May to Friday 1st of June 2018 at the five-star Mediterranean Village Hotel & Spa. This is the third Olympian Symposium, following two successful meetings in 2014 (on Star Formation) and 2015 (on Cosmology and the Epoch of Reionization).

We recommend you to sign up for updates about our meeting via the OS2018 webpage. The call for abstract submission and the opening of registration will occur on September 4, 2017.

Scientific Organizing Committee:

  • Thomas Bisbas (Florida; Co-chair)
  • Maria Drozdovskaya (Bern; Co-chair)
  • Cara Battersby (CfA)
  • Philipp Girichidis (Heidelberg)
  • Thomas Haworth (Imperial)
  • Jonathan Tan (Florida)
  • Stefanie Walch (Cologne)

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

  • Crystal Brogan (NRAO)
  • James Dale (Hertfordshire)
  • Neal Evans (Texas)
  • Alvaro Hacar (Leiden)
  • Nick Indriolo (STScI)
  • Mark Krumholz (ANU)
  • Charles Lada (Harvard)
  • Eve Ostriker (Princeton)
  • Serena Viti (UCL)
  • Naoki Watanabe (Hokkaido)

Local Organizing Committee: Olympian Centre for Astrophysics

Website: http://www.olympiansymposium.org/

Contact: symposium2018 [at] olympiancfa [dot] org


The Olympian Symposium 2018
Gas and Stars from milli- to mega- parsecs
28 May - 1 June, 2018
Paralia Katerini, Mt. Olympus, Greece