Науки о Земле



14.12.2016  Оргкомитет конференции принял решение оплатить пребывание на турбазе «Чусовая...
Оргкомитет конференции объявляет о продлении сроков регистрации участников и подачи...
46-я студенческая научная конференция будет проходить в Коуровской астрономической обсерватории...

Регистрация с astro.usu.ru (на английском)


Please, enter the following information:
Fields marked with * should be fill in

* Please, show the kind of Your participation

* Last name
* First name
* Patronic name, use "-" if no

* Your age at the time of the conference

* Country
* Sity

* Organization (full title)
* Organization (abbreviation)

* Organization full post adress
* Organization phone (with country and sity code)
 Fax (with country and sity code)

* Email

* Participant status

Degree and title (for researchers and teachers only)
 Degree  Title

* Kind of participation
* Title of report (preliminary)
 mark if You plan to present several reports
Indicate kinds and titles of additional reports if necessary:

* Indicate equipment You need for reports

Are You a member of the grants noted below:
 if "Yes", please fill in the numbers of INTAS grants
 Indicate if You pretend to get support from INTAS
The INTAS grant must be used to support young scientists from the NIS of the age of 35 years or less at the starting date of the school. NIS citizens with a permanent residence outside the NIS or with a temporary research position lasting longer then 6 months outside the NIS at the time of the school are not eligible to recieve INTAS support
* Incoming date (preliminary). 02 February 2009 is recommended
* Outgoing date (preliminary). 06 February 2009 is recommended

Additional information. Fill in if necessary