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Аватар пользователя seleznev

Контактные данные

Селезнёв Антон Фёдорович
Name in English
Seleznev Anton F.
Комната на Куйбышева, 48

Персональная информация

Ученая степень
К. ф.-м. н.
Должность на обсерватории
Старший научный сотрудник
Научные интересы

Структура и динамика Галактики, звездные скопления, структура и динамика звездных скоплений,
статистические методы.

Research Interests

Structure and dynamics of Galaxy, star clusters, structure and dynamics of star clusters, statistical methods.


Carraro, G., Baume, G., Seleznev, A.F.., Costa, E., On the assessment of the nature of open star
clusters and the determination of their basic parameters with limited data, 2017, Ap&SS, Volume
362, Article# 128, 17pp.
Seleznev A.F., Carraro G., Capuzzo-Dolcetta R., Monaco L., Baume G., On the mass of the Galactic star
cluster NGC 4337, 2017, MNRAS, Volume 467, Issue 3, p.2517-2528.
Seleznev A.F., VizieR Online Data Catalog: Open-cluster density profiles (Seleznev, 2016), 2016,
VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/456/3757.
Seleznev A.F., Open-cluster density profiles derived using a kernel estimator, 2016, MNRAS,
Volume 456, Issue 4, p.3757-3773.
Carraro G., Seleznev, A.F., Baume G., Turner D.G., The complex stellar populations in the background
of open clusters in the third Galactic quadrant, 2016, MNRAS, Volume 455, Issue 4, p.4031-4045.
Seleznev A.F., Capuzzo Dolcetta R., Carraro G., The Galactic star cluster NGC 4337: estimates of its
photometric and dynamical mass, 2016, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v.87, p.699
Seleznev A.F., Kernel density estimation in the study of star clusters, 2016, Baltic Astronomy,
Vol. 25, p. 267-274
Danilov V.M., Putkov S.I., Seleznev A.F., Dynamics of the coronas of open star clusters, 2014,
Astronomy Reports, Volume 58, Issue 12, pp.906-921
Carraro G., Seleznev, A.F., UBVI CCD photometry and star counts in nine inner disc Galactic star
clusters, 2012, MNRAS, Volume 419, Issue 4, pp. 3608-3623.
Carraro G., Seleznev, A.F., An analysis of the blue straggler population in the Sgr dSph globular
cluster Arp 2, 2011, MNRAS, Volume 412, Issue 2, pp. 1361-1366.
Seleznev A.F., Carraro G., Costa E., Loktin A.V., Homogeneous photometry and star counts in the
field of 9 Galactic star clusters, New Astronomy, Volume 15, Issue 1, p. 61-75.
Kirsanova M.S., Sobolev A.M., Thomasson M., Wiebe D.S., Johansson L.E.B., Seleznev A.F., Star
formation around the HII region Sh2-235, 2008, MNRAS, Volume 388, Issue 2, pp. 729-736.
Pancino E., Seleznev A.F., Ferraro F.R., Bellazzini M., Piotto G., The multiple stellar population
in Omega Centauri: spatial distribution and structural properties, 2003, MNRAS, Volume 345,
Issue 2, pp. 683-690.
Seleznev A.F., Pancino E., Piotto G., Ferraro F.R., Bellazzini M., Statistical Investigation of
Apparent Distributions of Different Population RGB Stars in Omega Cen, 2003, New Horizons in
Globular Cluster Astronomy, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 296, held 24-28 June 2002 at
Dipartimento di Astronomia, Universita' di Padova, Padova, Italy. Edited by Giampaolo Piotto,
Georges Meylan, S. George Djorgovski and Marco Riello. ISBN: 1-58381-143-5, 2003, p.311
Prisinzano L., Carraro G., Piotto G., Seleznev A.F., Stetson P.B., Saviane I., Luminosity and mass
function of galactic open clusters I. NGC 4815, 2001, A&A, v.369, p.851-861.
Seleznev A.F. Carraro G., Piotto G., Rosenberg A., The luminosity function of the cluster Palomar 1
— testing a new technique, Astronomy Reports, Volume 44, Issue 1, pp.12-17.
Seleznev A.F., A method for estimating the mass and luminosity functions of star clusters, 1998,
Astronomy Reports, Volume 42, Issue 2, pp.153-159.
Seleznev A.F., Star counts in the cluster NGC 2070, 1997, Astronomy Reports, Volume 41, Issue 6,
Seleznev A.F., Star counts in LMC cluster NGC 2070 and structure of its halo, 1997, International
conference: Structure and evolution of stellar systems, p. 127 - 130.
Seleznev A.F., The structure of the halo of the star cluster NGC 2070, 1995, Astronomy Letters,
Volume 21, Issue 5, pp.663-669.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., Estimates of geometric and dynamic parameters of star-gas complexes in
the galaxy, 1995, Astronomy Reports, Volume 39, Issue 3, pp.295-304.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., Dynamical estimates of gas-star complex total masses, 1995, Astronomical
and Astrophysical Transactions, vol. 7, Issue 2, pp.113-116.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., The catalogue of structural and dynamical characteristics of 103 open
star clusters and the first results of its investigation, 1994, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Transactions, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.85 - 155.
Seleznev A.F., Stellar surface density distributions in ten open clusters, 1994, Astronomical and
Astrophysical Transactions, vol. 4, Issue 3, pp.167-177.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., The Sizes of Open Star Clusters in the Vicinity of Gas/Star Complexes
in the Galaxy, 1991, Astronomicheskii Tsirkulyar No.1550/SEP, P.13.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., The statistical method of open star cluster structure study and
investigations of cluster dynamics, 1990, Bulletin d'Information du Centre de Donnees Stellaires,
Vol. 38, p.109.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., An Estimate of Halo and Core Parameters of the Open Star Clusters, 1989,
Astronomicheskii Tsirkulyar No.1538/JUN-J, P.9.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., The Disruption of Open Clusters Near Gas/Dust Clouds, 1988,
Astronomicheskii Tsirkulyar No.1534/DEC, P.9.
Seleznev A.F., The Determination of the Star Number Surface Density in Star Clusters, 1988,
Astronomicheskii Tsirkulyar No.1531/SEPT, P.9.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., Study of structural and dynamical characteristics of open clusters
(OCl). II - The effects of nonstationarity, 1988, Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, vol. 4,
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., Gurto E.Iu., Lapina E.A., The study of the structural and dynamical
characteristics of open stellar clusters (OSC). I - The results of star counts in 50 OSCs, 1987,
Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, vol. 3, pp.77-83.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., Investigation of structural and dynamical characteristics of 50 open
clusters, 1987, Zvezd. skopleniya. Konf. Sverdlovsk 1986, p. 126 - 127.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., Lapina E.A., Gurto E.Yu., Study of structural and dynamical
characteristics of 50 open clusters, 1986, Astronomical-geodetical investigations, p.7 - 27.
Danilov V.M., Seleznev A.F., Orekhova L.K., Matkin N.V., Kuznetzova E.F., Agisheva M.S.,
Danilova L.V., Star Count Integral Characteristics for 22 Open Star Clusters, 1985,
Astronomicheskii Tsirkulyar No.1365/FEB08, p.1.
Danilov V.M., Beshenov G.V., Seleznev A.F., The influence of fast relaxation on the dissipation
velocity of stars in nonstationary star clusters, 1984, Vopr. astrofiz., Saransk, p. 68 - 75.
Barkhatova K.A., Pyl'Skaya O.P., Seleznev A.F., The distance scale of the Galaxy, 1984,
Problems of astrometry, p. 275.


Практическая астрофизика, Общая астрофизика, Звездные скопления
Practical astrophysics, General astrophysics, Star clusters


Время участия
11 лет 43 недели